

Estados Unidos – 2015 – 21’13’’ – Color – Español – Subtítulos en inglés

Dirección / Direction: Alejandra Parody
Producción / Production: Elizabeth Phillipson-Weiner, Janella Lacson, Graciela Posada
Fotografía / Cinematography: Hamilton Yu
Dirección de Arte / Art Direction: Lina Vélez
Montaje / Editing: Colin Garland
Reparto / Cast: Aracely Guzmán Doria, Tomás Estrada Pulverail, Mila Villamizar, Alejandro Estrada
Música / Music: Jose Alejandro Parody


Alejandra Parody

Born and raised in Colombia, Alejandra moved to the U.S. to attend New York University, where she graduated with honors in both Film and Television, and Religious Studies. She uses film as a philosophical medium to explore complex questions, and gravitates towards stories with strong female protagonists. Alejandra currently lives in New York City, where she is developing a feature film.


Despite having served the same family for several years, a passionate maid struggles to find her place, in a moment of class divisions clash with her devotion to the family’s boy.