Las tardes de todos los días / Everyday Afternoons

Las tardes de todos los días / Everyday Afternoons

Colombia – 2015 – 17’35’’ – Color – Español – Subtítulos en inglés

Dirección / Direction: Miguel Vargas
Producción / Production: Mónica González, Heiman Torres
Fotografía / Cinematography: Pedro Pablo Vega
Dirección de Arte / Art Direction: Laura Rodríguez Leiva
Sonido / Sound: Carlos Rincón
Reparto / Cast: Daniela Pinzón, Santiago Avellaneda, Juan Esteban Pérez


Miguel Vargas

He studied Film and Television in Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has worked in the field of sound for cinematographic projects and cultural television. He has also participated in the sound department of 5 feature films: ‘El Vuelco del Cangrejo’, ‘Jardín de Amapolas’, ‘Estrella del Sur’, ‘Cazando Luciérnagas’ and ‘Ruido Rosa’; and in near a dozen of short films. He has also done sound design in a couple of feature films (‘Ruido Rosa’ and ‘Cazando Luciérnagas’) and various short films.


It’s the 90’s; Jacobo and Samuel are brothers, they are in the middle of their adolescence and, not so long ago, they moved to a new residential place in which they don’t know anybody; that is when Maria Paula shows up, a beautiful girl that puts to test their fraternal relation