La niña de la buseta / The Girl on the Bus

La niña de la buseta / The Girl on the Bus

Colombia – 2015 – 27’27’’ – Color – Español – Subtítulos en inglés

Dirección / Direction: Pedro Pío
Producción / Production: Pedro Pío, Marcela Gómez, Luis Eduardo Parada
Guion / Screenplay: Pedro Pío
Fotografía / Cinematography: Sofía Oggioni
Dirección de Arte / Art Direction: Marcela Gómez
Montaje / Editing: Juan Manuel Gamazo, Pedro Pío
Sonido / Sound: Juan Felipe Rayo
Reparto / Cast: Tania Torres, Juan Andrés Chacón, Juan Gabriel Chacón, Hernando Alonso


Pedro Pío

He graduated of Documentary Direction in the Escuela Internacional de Cine de San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. There, he directed various films, among which stand out: ‘Maya’ (premiered in Cannes Film Festival, nominated for the Palme d’Or, and winner of the Audience Award in the FIDOCS, Chile) and ‘Perros’. His last work, ‘The Girl on the Bus’ was in the Short Film Corner of the Cannes Film Festival, and is part of the Official Selection of the Malaga Film Festival (2016).


The Girl on the Bus is a film that depicts a few days of the life of a young woman that, in order to survive with her baby, sells sweets in public busses. The rawness of the environment that surrounds her, brings to the surface her most primary instincts. This film is the result of the need of filming real people (not actors) and to combine them with fiction, to take their stories to the screen and to give them a voice.