

Colombia – 2016 – 12’28’’ – Color -Spanish – english subtitles

Dirección / Direction: Klych López
Producción / Production: Federico Castillo
Guion / Screenplay: Klych López
Fotografía / Cinematography: Pablo Pérez
Dirección de Arte / Art Direction: Juana González
Montaje / Editing: Sebastián Hernández
Sonido / Sound: Camilo Montilla
Reparto / Cast: Salvador Mauricio Puentes, Jimena Durán Hasbún

Klych López

Colombian filmmaker. He studied Advanced Screenplay at San Antonio de los Baños Film School in Cuba. He has directed several Colombian TV series, as well as short film and music videos. His debut feature film ‘Siempreviva’ premiered in 2015. Klych employs an innovative directing method with actors based on the darkroom technique for the creation of the characters, which has proven extremely effective, guaranteeing the success of his actor’s performances in his work.


After all the time spent together, what is left of a relationship on its way to the end? There will always be that last conversation while cruising the tunnel towards the end.